Roseland 2 June 11, 2002
And I would be your slave........
Greetings! So glad you decided to visit or come back to see what I thought of the concert. Sorry it has taken so long to get some verbage on this page, Since I have written my thoughts about Area 2 I figured it was time to finish this page.
What can I say that I don't always say when I attend a Bowie concert- WOW! Fantastic! Great! Wonderful!
But of course as per the norm with me there is a story within a story when I attend a concert at Roseland. Last time it was lack of a camera, this time I was almost late. Earlier in the day I had called a friend, Kevin, to see if he wanted to go. He thought I was kidding when I called but most happily agreed to meet me there.
Duane and I walked the streets of Manhattan all day. Just a few days before the temperature was in the beautiful range of 60's to 70's. Today it jumped into the high 80's..HOT. (I SWEAR IT FOLLOWS ME) But it was great to be in the city none the less.
6:00 PM arrived and I thought perhaps it might be time to get ready to go to the concert. Luckily I had already showered and was relaxing a minute before getting dressed. For some reason I decided to look again at the message I received from Bowienet to read pertinent info on address, what NOT to bring etc. I knew the concert was to begin around 8ish and in my mind the doors opened at 7:00 PM so I had lots of time--WRONG!!! Lo and behold, there in black & white--DOORS OPEN at 6:30 PM!!! I couldn't believe I had a mere 30 minutes to get ready and get to Roseland. I quickly called Kevin and told him of my faux pas. He said no problem he would meet me there. He may have thought no problem, but inside I was freaking out (externally also). I had visions of Roseland 1 and how Duane and I got there a half an hour before the concert and the line was around the corner. Suffice to say I dressed quickly and we headed off to Roseland which luckily was only a few blocks from the hotel. The line was around the corner BUT via cell phone Kevin told me he was further up in line than I was (he lives close to the venue!!). I found him, bid adieu to Duane (who was off into the evening to meet up with a his friend Heath) and went inside to have my purse searched for the usual illegals. Much to my surprise as with the last time I am happy to report I ended up in the 4th or 5th row.
The concert was suppose to start at 8:00 PM but instead we were told it would start about 10 minutes late due to "people still outside." The place was already packed, I now know what sardines feel like!! But looking back it was worth it..Bowie is and always will be worth it.
Bowie played until 10:45 PM, with only a brief intermission. Much to my surprise (and thrilled I might add) he performed Low and for the first time ever LIVE-HEATHEN!! CLICK HERE to view set list. Since Heathen was just released that day (and my pre-ordered copy had just arrived that day back at home) I had never heard any of it, so it was an added bonus.
Oh, by the way I am sure you have figured out by the photos above I did bring a camera this time. Last time I did not because I was told when I called NO CAMERAS and when I got there it seemed everyone had one but me. I was bound and determined to bring one this time. Thank you Kevin for taking some of the pictures (and being taller than me).
And I would be your favorite song of the night.